Never were truer words spoken. With this early spring I have been spending hours working in my backyard and loving every minute of it. It seems that I am happiest when I am planning and planting. Here are some before and after photos of the "yard chronicles."
The area in front of the garage was mainly weeds
New grass and added the planter box with bougainvillea. I painted the fence the same color as the house trim.

Work begins on making a path to the garden shed and creating beds along the fence line. I decided to use gray stone since the Nantucket style shed will age to a natural gray.
A Quiet Corner
Spring color
I've started composting which should be great for all of my flowering plants. Now the rest of the yard is waiting for a make over,and I need to hurry before the summer heat is here.
Happy Easter to you all and happy digging.
I've started composting which should be great for all of my flowering plants. Now the rest of the yard is waiting for a make over,and I need to hurry before the summer heat is here.
Happy Easter to you all and happy digging.
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