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Friday, August 31, 2012

I Brake for Folk Art

Last week I was on Highway 290 heading to Louisiana for a family event. I was only halfway between Austin and Houston, when I noticed a sign along the road touting P.J. Hornberger's Folk Art Gallery. Although I was anxious to get some miles under my belt, it took me about three seconds to decide to turn around and delay my trip for a few minutes. After all, it had been about ten years since I had seen any of P.J.'s work.

All images are reproduced with the artists permission

Her gallery in Carmine is quite small, but filled to the rafters with pieces that can't help but make you smile. P.J. is a Texas artist known for her folk paintings, sculptures, quilts and textile art.

In P.J.'s own words, "My art is necessary. Being creative is who I am. No choices. I have to be creating something, or I'm not happy, whole or nice. Example: If I worked for the highway dept. I'd rearrange those orange cones all day long. LOL. My art is rarely serious. I love lots of color, art that makes you smile more than once. It should make you feel something. If folk art is right, it gets better every year you live with it. Just like an old friend. And don't be calling my stuff cute. Cute is for puppies and kids, not art."

Even this rug painted on the floor of the gallery shows the artist's love of color and whimsy. If you happen to be passing through Carmine (at the turn off for Round Top), don't pass up the chance to stop. I promise that you will leave smiling. 

You can see more of P.J.'s work on her website


  1. Thank you for a great post. I never looked so good. Hugs

  2. what a wonderful post about you PJ! Woo Hoo!! :)))
