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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Armchair Traveling

Last year I wrote a post on Greg Davis, the globe wandering photographer. Greg is still at it, taking amazing photos of faces and places around the world. I keep up with his work and travels with no small amount of envy. His latest images of India do not disappoint. 
If you haven't been following his journey, it's time to take a look at his website and see the world through his talented eyes.

 Another way I satisfy my wanderlust is by following Barbara Weibel's blog, "Hole in the Donut". This gutsy lady transformed her life; trading an unsatisfying 70 hour work week for a chance to trek around the world. And trek she does, alone and undaunted, wherever her curiosity and passions lead her. Her blog is filled with cultural insight and wonderful photographs. Makes you want to grab a backpack and go.
Photo taken by Barbara of the Monkey Temple in Kathmandu
  Barbara believes that travel is not so much about pleasure but discovery. She lives simply on the road, and will be the first to admit that trekking has its hardships. Often the conditions are less than ideal, but she wouldn't have it any other way.

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