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Thursday, September 24, 2015

San Diego to Santa Barbara

Two years ago we drove up the PCH exploring northern California along the coast. Now it was time to see the southern half-San Diego to Santa Barbara. I was anxious to see all of those beach towns like Malibu, Venice Beach and La Jolla. We began the trip in San Diego with a visit to Balboa Park. 

Who could resist the "Best Burgers in the World" at Hodad's in Ocean Beach? Not me. I don't know about the best in the world, but definitely at the top of the list.

The view from our hotel at Laguna Beach. Beautiful sunsets and endless surfers. Being a beach bum as its appeal.

 Mission bells at San Juan Capistrano

I had always heard about the swallows returning every year. They arrive in the summer and make their mud nests in the walls of the old stone church and stay until October. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see them. Supposedly the warmer temperatures kept them away this year.

Bird of Paradise that seems to grow wild in La Jolla

Santa Barbara has to be one of the most beautiful towns ever! This is the SB County Clerks-Recorder Office. Typical of the Spanish style architecture that you see throughout southern CA.

A view to the hills overlooking SB. The clouds look threatening, but no rain.

The view of the SB harbor from Brophy Brothers where we had our last dinner. Delicious seafood and a great way to end our trip.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Notes From The Studio

The dog days of summer are here, and rather than working in the yard, I've been spending time in the studio. Thankfully,it is air conditioned! Here is a preview of what I've been doing lately.
Metallic leaves on hand made paper, floating above a sheet of
silver paper

Two pieces from a suite of four. Painted on French hand made
paper. All of these are floating on a 
linen panel and framed in

Classic ornamentation in metallic paint on gray fabric. Floating
on a linen panel. I don't think the metallic paint shows well, at
least not on my screen. Kudos to Brent for his great framing
work and encouragement!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


I love quotations. Whether humorous or inspirational, they convey so much in so few words. 

One of my favorite quotes is attributed to the 18th century English clergyman, John Wesley. It is referred to as The Kindness Prayer.

"Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can." So simple, so powerful.

"Lead me not into temptation; I can find the way myself." - Rita Mae Brown

If you have a favorite quote, I'd love to hear it. 

Saturday, May 30, 2015

This past Memorial Day weekend had me thinking of barbecue and the smell of a smoking grill. Nature had other plans though, and along with the thunder and lightning came a deluge of rain, and more rain. It has been one for the record books.

With my patio under water and no sun in sight, my yen for barbecue had to be satisfied. I found this recipe for slow cooked pork sandwiches that should take care of any carnivore cravings, and it looks super easy.

Here is the recipe:

Two pound pork loin roast

12 ounces of root beer
18 ounces of your fav barbecue sauce

Place pork in slow cooker

Pour root beer over pork
Cover and cook for 6 hours on low, or until pork shreds easily with a fork
Remove pork and drain off liquid
Shred pork and return to cooker with barbecue sauce
Continue heating for about 1/2 hour
Put pork on buns and top with coleslaw

These would make great sliders.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Artists Gone Wild

For all of you art lovers out there, the 4th annual spring West Austin Studio Tour is happening this weekend and next weekend. So grab a friend and enjoy the day exploring the studios of local artists on the westside. Take a peek inside their creative spaces and learn a bit about what drives their art. 

You will be inspired by the variety of art forms that include everything from furniture making to fine art, sculpture, ceramics, jewelry, photography, and the list goes on and on. My friend Jeanne Philquist will be showing her work at her home studio at 1709 Palma Plaza. Be sure to stop by and see her wonderful paintings-especially you cat people! You will leave smiling.

This is one of my favorite paintings by Jeanne

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


This weekend we were on the hunt for Kuba cloth. Having exhausted our inventory, it was time to restock. We found a new source and walked away with arms full of beautiful African textiles, including two panels of mud cloth.

 Honestly, I hate to part with any of them, but we need to make more pillows for our Etsy shop-eye4dsign.

I wanted to take these carved wooded doors home with me, but just didn't have a place for them.

Love the colors of these African glass beads

Almost couldn't resist the indigo striped  fabric. I don't think I will ever get over my love for blue and white. It was a very good day! 

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Rock, Scissors, Paper

For the past few months, things have been very busy in the studio. I never intended for this to be an art blog, but for now anyway, that's what is going on around here. We've been making handmade paper, experimenting with pastels, and making collages. It seems that one idea leads to another. Before I even finish one piece, I'm ready to try something else. I could easily spend the entire day working away, ignoring everything else that needs my attention.

The pieces in the photos are not finished. I repeat, not finished. They are all works in progress, rough drafts if you will- some not even glued yet. So I think I am being very brave sharing these with you. 

            Abstract pastel with collage. Still waiting to work on his shoes and pants

Collage with handmade paper

I think I will call this "Channeling Matisse"

          I can't wait to get back to work-this is so much fun!


Friday, January 23, 2015

New Year-New Endeavors

Ok, I'll be the first to admit it. I am not the most savvy when it comes to social media. I can barely remember my passwords. So it's been a challenge for me to set up a shop on Etsy and connect that with my new Facebook account and my blog. That being said, with a little help, things are up and running. There is still some fine tuning, like designing a banner for the Etsy shop, but that is in the works. Regardless of the outcome, it has been a learning experience.

Now I just need to focus on creating some new designs other than pillows. As time allows, we will be adding more items to the shop. There are two of us on this "fishing expedition." My work is more craft than art- Brent is the artist. It requires so much time going from idea to finished product. I think the key here is to accept our limitations and enjoy the journey.

Here is something I am working on now. Not sure where I'm going with it, but I'm enjoying using new techniques. If you have time, check out our shop at:   Don't forget to leave out the "e" in design!