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Thursday, June 7, 2012


It's hard to believe that May has already come and gone. It has been a busy spring around my house and there is much to show for it. The house has been painted, and after trying many shades of gray, I am super pleased with the results. Goodbye pinky taupe; hello soft gray.

After finishing the front yard landscaping, it was time to turn my attention to the backyard. I was at a loss as to what to do.  It was pretty much a blank canvas, flat and rectangular with a couple of huge oak trees. Where to begin?  For years I have been looking longingly at pictures of garden sheds, and wishing I had a place for one. The ones at Home Depot were not at all what I had in mind, and the custom sheds were prohibitively expensive. In stepped Brent who said,"Oh, we could build one ourselves, no probem".

So we began talking about the design possibilities and making plans. I use the term "we" loosely. It was Brent who did all of the work, with a little helping hand from his son, Reed. Working weekends and the few remaining daylight hours after work, it began to take shape. It is still not complete, but it is coming together and I can finally see the shed I have imagined.

It has been a wonderful gift in many ways. A gift of time and work to make this happen. The chance for father and son to spend time working together on this project, and the opportunity to get to know Reed a little better. This is what I would call a "win, win".

Here are some photos of the shed in progress. I can't wait to post the final pictures.

Thank you Brent, for all of your hard work, tenacity, and amazing good nature.

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