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Monday, March 26, 2012


There is something about spring that fills me with gratitude. Finally I have the chance to begin the gardening projects that have been bubbling around in my head. These cool mornings are precious and won't last long, so I want to take advantage of every moment before the heat comes to stay.

The thing about gardening is that it is never really finished, and despite my best efforts, the results are not always as planned. It's a lot like life, you do your homework, make the best choices you can, and pray that it all turns out well.

I've made a good start in my front yard by tearing out all of the overgrown old shrubbery and making new flower beds. I managed to plant the Knock Out roses just in time to take advantage of the big rain last week. I've always thought that roses were a lot of trouble, but supposedly these are a hardy, no fuss variety. We shall see. I bought a pack of 2,000 lady bugs as a little insurance against any pests that might decide to move in. After checking on the lady bugs the next day, I was surprised to find that they had flown away. Now you would think that there would be at least a few stragglers! One of my neighbors must be wondering why these lady bugs have suddenly appeared in their yard.

Let's hope this wet spring lasts awhile... to be continued as my garden progresses. 

Double red Knock Outs have a long blooming season 
from spring through fall

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