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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

And the Winner is.....

It was a busy week, but Sunday I headed to Houston for the Risotto Festival. After all, who could say no to sampling some of the best Italian food this side of Italy? The festival was at the Houston Design Center, so not only did I get to taste some amazing food, but it was a chance to browse the designer showrooms open for the event.

Fifteen chefs competed with their best risotto dishes-a culinary smackdown that left the appreciative crowd going back for seconds. I never knew there were so many different ways to prepare this Italian comfort food, and there wasn't a loser in the bunch.

And the winner is Chef Scotty Campbell who took top honors for his porcini and black truffle risotto with prime rib

Side dishes like this mushroom and olive tapenade salad with fresh basil tasted as good as they looked, and what Italian meal would be complete without Parmesan cheese. 

The smell of butter and seafood kept people lining up for more.  Chef Jon Buchanan dished up a sweet corn and Gulf shrimp risotto with house-made pancetta. 

Second place went to the lobster and white truffle risotto prepared by David Grossman of Branch Water Tavern. 

The chefs were generous in sharing their secrets to a good risotto. The key seems to be stir, stir, stir. A good risotto should be creamy, but not mushy and should puddle on the plate when served. 

A platter of buffalo mozzarella and cherry tomatoes was just the right antidote for all that decadent dining. As much as I love risotto, it might be a long time before I have it again...Ciao  

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