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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Family Member Arrested

Before I get into the actual circumstances of the "crime", a little background information is in order. The family member in question is none other than my seventy- five year old former sister-in-law, Ann Christenson. Ann has always been someone who has inspired me with her life-long spirit of involvement. She is one of those people who does not sit on the sidelines complaining about the sorry state of affairs. She takes action, lending her voice to the issues that matter to her.

Younger than her years, she is passionate about the environment, politics and leaving the world a better place for her grandchildren. Even when living in the tiny town of Good Thunder, Minnesota, (population 500), Ann made a difference. She envisioned having a mural painted on a local grain elevator. No small endeavor considering the sheer size of such a project, a total lack of funds, and little support from the townspeople. That did not stop her. She wrote a grant to raise the money, found an artist to take on the monumental task, and stood back to marvel at the final results. Her vision and action left a legacy for the people of Good Thunder. Needless to say, she won them over.

Photo by Robert Bothmann

Recently, Ann has become aware of the environmental consequences of the proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. She and her husband John decided to be a part of the peaceful rally in Washington, D.C., and traveled from Iowa City to D.C.  First driving from Iowa City to Chicago, and then taking a train to the Capitol was anything but a leisurely trip. There were many arrests during the two week rally, and Ann and John were among those handcuffed and hauled off to jail. Apparently, the police felt that this 75 year old grandmother with a cane was a serious threat. When her children learned that their parents had been arrested, their response was that they had never been so proud.

Ann and John on the left by the barricade

Police officer putting the handcuffs on Ann

Now I ask you, what will you be doing when you are 75?

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing person. Very inspiring. People like her make the world a better place, that's for sure.
    Shame on those policemen for arresting her. My god, they couldn't find a more threatening person?
