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Friday, May 20, 2011

My Sometimes Green Thumb

Spring and early summer is the time of year that I can't resist being outside in my garden. I think of gardening as "agritherapy"- therapeutic for my plants and myself.  When winter has passed, along with any chance of another freeze, it's time to take stock of what has survived, what needs to be replaced and what new plants I want to incorporate.  Days of repotting, weeding, mulching and scouring the nurseries for planting material leave me exhausted but ultimately rewarded.

There is something about working in the garden while the days are still cool, and getting my hands in the dirt that connects me with the season and its promise of renewal. As all gardeners know, it is an ongoing learning experience full of challenges, frustrations and the reality that the job is never quite finished.  So while everything is still alive, here are some pics from my garden.

"Gardening requires lots of water-most of it in the form of perspiration."-Lou Erickson
I love bromeliads for their long lasting color
One of the antique olive oil jars I bought at auction

Photo credit Mia Thornton

Early mums will bloom again in the fall

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