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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Claudia Reese - Creative Spirit

When thinking of creative inspiration, I think of Claudia Reese. To say that Claudia is a ceramic artist does not begin to do her justice. I am in awe of her talent, and from the moment I laid eyes on her work, I was hooked.

It had been awhile since I had seen Claudia, and I was looking forward to catching up with her over lunch, and seeing what was new at her Westlake studio, Cera-Mix. Each time I drive through the gates of her compound I am enchanted by the whimsical sculpture and architectural pieces that she has created as part of this rustic landscape.  

platter photo by Matt Bice
Her artistic spirit is everywhere.  She has incorporated her colorful design tiles throughout her eco-friendly home, gardens, fountains and koi pond.  Even the inventive rain catchers covered in ceramic shards are functional works of art.  Inside her studio the long wooden tables are covered with slabs of gray clay. Huge platters painted in vibrant patterns hang high on the walls. Shelves are stacked chock-a-block with piles of cups, bowls, plates and tiles.  Falling in love with Claudia’s pottery is easy; choosing which pieces to buy is nearly impossible. I want them all!

One of my favorite Reese's pieces

Claudia’s creative spirit extends beyond her studio. She gives her time and talent to help organizations like the Empty Bowl Project to feed the hungry. I’m inspired. 

This Mother’s Day weekend May 7th and 8th, Claudia will be hosting the annual Art of the Pot Event in her studio.  Details at

Cera-Mix Studio is open to the public by appointment only.

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