For the past few months, things have been very busy in the studio. I never intended for this to be an art blog, but for now anyway, that's what is going on around here. We've been making handmade paper, experimenting with pastels, and making collages. It seems that one idea leads to another. Before I even finish one piece, I'm ready to try something else. I could easily spend the entire day working away, ignoring everything else that needs my attention.
The pieces in the photos are not finished. I repeat, not finished. They are all works in progress, rough drafts if you will- some not even glued yet. So I think I am being very brave sharing these with you.
Abstract pastel with collage. Still waiting to work on his shoes and pants
Collage with handmade paper
I think I will call this "Channeling Matisse"
I can't wait to get back to work-this is so much fun!