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Friday, January 23, 2015

New Year-New Endeavors

Ok, I'll be the first to admit it. I am not the most savvy when it comes to social media. I can barely remember my passwords. So it's been a challenge for me to set up a shop on Etsy and connect that with my new Facebook account and my blog. That being said, with a little help, things are up and running. There is still some fine tuning, like designing a banner for the Etsy shop, but that is in the works. Regardless of the outcome, it has been a learning experience.

Now I just need to focus on creating some new designs other than pillows. As time allows, we will be adding more items to the shop. There are two of us on this "fishing expedition." My work is more craft than art- Brent is the artist. It requires so much time going from idea to finished product. I think the key here is to accept our limitations and enjoy the journey.

Here is something I am working on now. Not sure where I'm going with it, but I'm enjoying using new techniques. If you have time, check out our shop at:   Don't forget to leave out the "e" in design!