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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Holiday Musings

I can't believe that this is my last blog of the year. Surprisingly, it has been nearly two years since my first post (which is about one year longer than I expected to last). Waking up the morning after Christmas, it feels a bit strange not to be doing some sort of holiday preparation. No more shopping, wrapping, decorating, cooking or worrying about what I might have overlooked. It's over, and it was wonderful.

Maybe I should take just a few lazy moments and linger in bed with the latest John Grisham book waiting on my bedside table. After all, the idea of venturing outside on such a cold morning isn't so appealing. Nice thought, and I managed to read for about fifteen minutes before a "to do" list began forming in my mind.

At the top of my list is thanking my family and friends who made this particular Christmas so joyful. I am blessed to have you all in my life. You enrich me in so  many ways. Speaking of friends, I have some pictures of the birthday party given by my friend Sharon, celebrating our friend Penny's 60th birthday. The term "domestic goddess" definitely applies to Sharon, who is such a creative spirit and throws the most memorable parties.


The great room mantle decorated with antlers and old photos and a birthday banner to mark the occasion. The secret is out.

                      A knockout table setting with fresh greenery and vintage plates

                                     Sharon presenting her incredible coconut cake to the
                                                           birthday girl        

                                           Love the birdcage chandelier Sharon made

                                                    Genius is in the details
                                                  Happy New Year everyone


Sunday, December 2, 2012


'Tis the season to show your Christmas spirit and deck the halls,or should I say doors? These wreaths might be just the thing to give your front door a holiday jolt. Here are some of my favorite not-so-traditional wreaths. 


Normally I am not a fan of brussel sprouts, but
in this case I can make an exception.


Wishing you lots of holiday inspiration